Top 5 Reasons Why the Food You Eat Should Be Organic

Long before the word was in our vocabulary, organic played a major role in how you ate and grew food. Today, organic has taken on a whole new meaning. However, its definition is far greater than food grown or made without the use of artificial chemicals. Moreover, there are countless benefits to eating organic.

Free of Pesticides and Herbicides

Farmers who grow organic vegetables and fruits use natural sources to ward off insects that do not harm the environment or your body. Produce that is nonorganic is sprayed with pesticides and herbicides that are comprised of chemicals that kill all living organisms, not just insects that harm crops.

Contrary to popular belief, rinsing off your produce does not remove pesticides. In truth, the chemicals enter your body and can eventually cause damage to your nervous system.


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are living organisms that has been genetically altered by the use of molecular genetic methods like protein engineering and gene cloning by DNA splicing. For instance, plant genes are spliced into animals and animals genes are spliced into plants, insecticides are spliced into plants to deter insects, etc.

Organic foods with a Non-GMO label are the only assurance a consumer has that their food is pure and GMO free.

Higher Quality Farming

Organic produce, dairy products and meats are healthier because of their source. For example, conventional animals are usually raised in unsanitary conditions such as factory farmed chickens and cows. As well, conventional animals are fed large doses of antibiotics and hormones. However, organic farming uses the very highest animal welfare standards where animals are free range and fed an organic diet.

Better Nutrition

Conventionally grown food is generally grown in soil depleted in nutrients and requires artificially-produced fertilizers. As well, the plants are overstimulated with artificial fertilizers so that the produce is bigger and nice-looking. However, many studies have shown that organic food is more nutritious and also tastes better. In fact, some research claims that organic produce is composed of 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 29.3% more magnesium, 13.6% more phosphorus and 18% more polyphenols. As well, organic meat has less fat.

Reduced Risk Food-Borne Illnesses

As of late, fast food establishments rank extremely high for outbreaks of food-borne illnesses. Many experts claim that these outbreaks are caused by unsanitary conditions that livestock are forced to live in.

However, organic products are grown or produced in a much cleaner and hygienic environment. In result, consuming organic products will reduce your risk of food borne illnesses.

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